300 Bucks Damage – Episode 1 – Video Games of the 1980s

300 Bucks Damage Episode 1


Gord and Kev reminisce about some of their favorite classic arcade and console video games from the 1980s.

After listening to the show, check out our Episode 1 video playlist on YouTube!

1 comment on this post.
  1. Steve:

    Love the 300 Bucks Damage from the TMNT game… figured I’d put together my personal top 10 favorite list:

    1. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1+2 (ps3)
    2. Legend of Zelda – A Ling to The Past (snes)
    3. GTA Series (ps2)
    4. SeaQuest (atari)
    5. Super Mario (nes)
    6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (arcade)
    7. Command & Conquer Generals (pc)
    8. NFL Blitz (arcade)
    9. Pitfall (atari)
    10. Super Mario Kart (snes)

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